Please ensure that you are logging in with the user id and password with which you had registered. Passwords are case sensitive. In case you have forgotten your password, go to the relevant option to get a new one. For other problems contact customer service.
There could be problems with your internet connections. Please check if anyone else has access to your user Id and password. The system does not allow more than one person to log in at the same time. In such a case you may consider changing your password.
Your password can be changed by using the edit password option; however system does not allow you to change your User Name. In case you wish to change your User Name too, please contact customer care.
Please click where your user name appears on the top right portion of the home page. Go to "My subscriptions" and check if your package is showing there. Call customer care with this information.
For best experience, we recommend an internet download speed of 512 Kbps or above and 1024X768 hardware resolution. The site can be accessed from any standard desktop, laptop or 10 inch tab. Responsive versions for 7 inch and smaller screens shall be made available shortly.
Your Login ID will be mentioned in your parent's account under my child tab. Your parent holds the authority to reset your password. Parent needs to follow the steps mentioned below:
Click my child tab.
Click on manage child option
Select change password option
A window will appear where the user needs to input following details for this child
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